Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lee's art work, more photos, celebration plans and additional musings...

Plans are in the works for Lee's Celebration of Life to be held on January 11: Beginning at 12:30 and lasting an hour or so, there'll be a program consisting of a non-denominational service blended with shared experiences from family and friends (all attending are invited to participate) and ending with a visual montage honoring Lee's life, spirit and creative passions. Immediately following, there will be a reception in the chapel until 4 PM. For information regarding directions, see the Asilomar web side or send an email to I'll also post written directions on the blog as the date approaches.

I've been asked by some about making charitable donations in Lee's name. Her favorite charity was CARE an organization devoted to fighting poverty and empowering women around the globe. Or pick another charity of your choice.
OR here's an alternate idea....

For Lee, creating art was her soul work. Her passion. Her meditation. Her art was inherently linked to her connection to the endless seasons and cycles of life and to her eclectic spirituality. She would continually encourage our children, other young people who hung out in our garage/studio (and all others for that matter) to follow their life's passion, whatever that may be. To that end, it would also honor her greatly for anyone to do just that: Make art. Create. Care for others. Follow your life's passion(s). And then, if you would like, dedicate it to Lee's memory in your own way. She would also have loved it if you made the dedication to the memory of any loved one...or for the happiness or all beings...or to anything which brings you inner peace and happiness!

Others have asked why I haven't posted any of Lee's art on the blog yet. Well.... I'm working on organizing and cleaning up some of the scanned images and scanning some additional canvases and journal pages. Look for them to appear in another day or two. Or three.


kecia deveney said...

your doing a great job of honoring her memory and continuing to share with us as i am sure it isn't easy to be going through all her stuff. as painful as it is, it is probably great therapy as well. i can't wait to see her artwork and i will be making a donation to CARE in her honor.
my best always,

kecia deveney said...

i just had a second to go through the family pictures, the photo shoot that lee wanted before she lost her hair. i'm so glad that she wanted that done, because it is so important. i just loved looking at those fresh photos of my friend. seeing her with her kids was very special too. tell me, how are the kids holding up?