Sunday, December 7, 2008

LeeAnne's Celebration of Life to be held at Asilomar on 1/11/09

A Celebration of Life for LeeAnne will be held in the Chapel at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California, on Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 12:30 PM. All are invited and further details will be posted on the blog soon.

Lee had talked often and passionately about holding a life celebration in lieu of a traditional memorial service and Asilomar held a special place in her heart and soul. She loved the ocean, the beach and particularly the Monterey Bay area. Having first visited Asilomar during an Art and Soul Workshop several years ago, she would be drawn back to the omnipresent creative, spiritual and mystical energies of these grounds. Early on in the course of her illness, we would return several times for overnight stays at one of the numerous Bed and Breakfasts which border the conference center. During one of these visits, she was able to walk on the beach, gather seashells and bask in the sun buffered by cool ocean breezes. Later that day she would write in her journal:

"...Asilomar Beach, September 2nd

Gosh, the beach was beautiful. It was warm & the sun was shining and I got to walk barefoot in the sand. one of my favorite places in the world- Asilomar. Alwas feels like I've lived here before- like this place is mine and other people come to visit. I loved it so much, I think I walked for about a half mile. My body cooperated as long as it could before I had to turn around and come back to reality. I didn't want to leave, But I couldn't stay. time to move on..."

During the last few months of her life, Lee spoke often of her desire to return to this place of refuge, hopefully for the May, 2009 A&S retreat. Lee never made it back, but it seems altogether fitting to hold her Celebration there.


kecia deveney said...

i know how she feels, that area holds special meaning to me to. i love to take my son their and visit our secret sea glass beach, go kayaking in the bay, go on the 17 mile drive, look for seals, the deer, stop every 5 seconds for pictures - all of it! i sure wish i could come all the way from Jersey to her memorial, but i'll be thinking of her and try to participate somehow.
my best always,

Lory Newsom said...

Dave-I am continually amazed by your and LeeAnnes most loving and peaceful way to handle this quite tragic situation. I pray that I would find that place inside me as you have to keep the calm and find the acceptance you talk about. Life has so many facets. I truly believe that we can't even phathom what is yet to come. Missing the physical form of our loved ones is the part we will always struggle with.(I have felt this loss since last year when my father passed) but having the faith that the next leg of the journey is just as LeeAnne describes Asilomar. What a beautiful thought. Peace be with you all, my heart goes out to you. Lory

Ilene Harris said...

Dear David,

Although I've attended Art and Soul in Portland for the past three years, I never did have the pleasure of meeting LeeAnne. However, I wanted to share a brief encounter I had from (slightly) afar in October. I arrived on Thursday morning and had breakfast in the dining room, while waiting for my first workshop to begin (with Nina Bagley). Since I wasn't staying at the Embassy Suites this time 'round (my husband came with me and we bunked with my cousin in S.E. Portland - I "commuted"), I felt a little bit like an oursider. In the dining room, there was a HUGE gathering of "raucous" Charmsters -I noticed LeeAnne (although I didn't know that was who she was)- surrounded by friends, laughing, hugging and doing trades. I said to my husband, "That is probably some of the Charmsters having fun getting to know each other. I'm sure I'll meet them later today." Of course, now I regret not just going over there and introducing myself! Your site has touched me deeply and how blessed LeeAnne was to have you as her soulmate. My husband is certainly mine, after 40 years of marriage. And, his name is also David - which means "beloved". Here is a big hug from me to you...

Ilene Harris

Brother Pete said...

In Acceptance.........

In the long shadows of the past,
abides the uncertainty of the future.

As we stand upon the bridge of the present,
unwavering, ever vigilant,
scanning the horizons of past and future,
a new dawn arises.

The rising of the sun within
illumines the shadows of the past
casting out all uncertainty in the future.

Illumined by the eternal
we understand,
we know,
we accept.

In such acceptance
the peace of the eternal
rises up in our hearts,
like a well overflowing,
filling every cell of our being,
every atom of our world.

Safe travels my sister.....your journey continues.